Netatmo thermostat widget
- Dettagli
- Categoria: App Android
- Pubblicato Mercoledì, 06 Luglio 2022 07:26
- Scritto da Agnoletto Christian
- Visite: 4352
1) The Netatmo widget App stores the information that it collects only locally inside the App.
2) The account required during the configuration is used only to connect to the Netatmo server to retrieve the information about the status of your thermostat.
3) The information retrieved from the Netatmo server is used only locally inside the app to show the information.
4) For every extra information you can write to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
5) The owner of the app is Actisoft di Agnoletto Christian, Vicenza Italy. VAT IT 04292550243